Guitar students transitioning from sight-reading and technical basics to a standard repertoire by classical composers is a significant step. This collection of musical gems eases this transition. These pieces have been carefully selected from the standard classical guitar repertoire that has been played and loved by generations throughout the centuries. This second volume helps students make that transition by building upon the same principles in our first volume – a systematic approach that takes students from a single melodic line to more complex textures by familiarizing them with new notes and their positions through each new piece. Fingering numbers are provided to make this process easier and serve to guide intermediate players through challenging passages.
Whether you are a student of the guitar or a guitar instructor, this collection can help you tackle challenging issues faced by guitarists who want to move on to the standard classical repertoire but are not yet ready for advanced study. These pieces will challenge students and familiarize them with classical guitar music, but not overwhelm them with difficulty. The collection is a must-have for beginner-advanced level students and for guitar instructors looking to help meet their students’ needs at this crucial transition to more complex pieces. For more information, see the foreword.
If you are a beginner, we strongly recommend that you consider starting with the initial volume, Discovering Six Strings: A Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Technical Basics and Sight Reading through Folk Music from Around the World, before purchasing this book.

Bonus gift: With your purchase of this collection, we provide a 50% discount on your first month of LAGA Prime (our online lesson program) gives you access to both our classical and flamenco curricula with close-up videos, lesson notes and optional video coaching. To activate it, simply reply to your receipt email.
Level: Lower-Intermediate
Format: E-Book (PDF), 61 pages.
License Information: Copyright © 2012 Los Angeles Guitar Academy Publishing. All rights reserved.
Lesson Program: LAGA Classical
Format: A collection of scores in standard sheet music notation (no tabs/tablature) as a digital PDF file available for instant download after purchase.
salih güney –
i need canon in d notes for classic guitar.thanks
oscar222 –
Hola desearia comprar piezas clasicas para nivel bajo–intermedio. Ademas de las partituras , tambien contiene video tutorial? gracias
RobKelly –
Very nice collection. I already had most of the pieces in it in some books I bought over the years. but it was nice to see his version and fingerings.
Randy Walsh –
I have been checking out your website and it looks excellent. I’m not ready to join just yet, but I do want to purchase the download, ‘Classics on the Six Strings.’ I play classical guitar as a hobby and I read music. Right now, I’m getting ready to post ‘Spanish Romance’ on youtube, so I think this book would suit me well. I understand the pieces are graded 2 through 4?
Before I buy it, I would like to know how many pieces are in the book. I’ve noticed too that most of these pieces are on youtube, so I’m assuming I too can upload them as well when I’m ready.
Randy Walsh –
Left a message regarding the book, ‘Beginners’ Classics on the Strings.’ Not sure if you received it.
LAGA Support –
Hi Randy,
Thank you for your kind words about our website.
This collection includes roughly 50 lower-intermediate level pieces. Since the level of any given piece widely varies based on many factors, we have featured pieces that represent an average technical level of this set, which you view in the video playlist above.
-LAGA Support
Randy Walsh –
I have already ordered and downloaded the book and it looks great! These pieces will greatly enhance my technique.
I’ll contact you when I’m ready for online lessons.
Thank you I am quite happy with the purchase. The book looks really great and comprehensive. I am new to classical guitar and cannot yet read standard notation fluently. It would have really helped if the guitar tabs were alongside. But nevertheless it has been a great purchase and I look forward to learning more with LAGA.
Maxx –
This set is exactly what I needed.
I started playing classical guitar in my early 20s. At the time, I was at a level that could probably be described as upper intermediate. But then, for no good reason, I just stopped. I picked up other instruments, but always had a nagging feeling of guilt over dropping guitar when I was rather competent at it. I just turned 30, and have finally decided to pick classical guitar back up.
These circumstances put me in a frustrating situation. As I’m far too out of practice to play the pieces I was playing before, but also have enough knowledge to make much of the beginner music boring and unchallenging. So far this set has proven to be the perfect median. The music is accessible at my current skill level, but also engaging, and with enough depth to ease me back into reading guitar sheet music without boring or overwhelming me.
Back in the day, Emre Sabuncuoglu was one of my biggest inspirations. I’m happy that all these years later he’s still providing me with inspiration. I look forward to taking online lessons through LAGA in the coming year.