Note that since we update the curriculum regularly, the lessons listed below might not reflect the current curriculum.
We begin Level One of our Flamenco program by demonstrating the proper sitting position. Posture and relaxation are the keys to forming a good foundation. You will build on that foundation by learning the fingering notation for both hands, as well as basic terminology. As you progress, you will learn the free stroke, the rest stroke, rasgueados and golpe. We will introduce you to the compas (rhythm cycle–a very important concept in Flamenco music) as you begin your first Flamenco piece, a Solea–which is one of the oldest and most traditional forms (In Flamenco music “forms” are musical styles, also known in Spanish as “palos”). You will learn about falsettas, and be introduced to the Phrygian mode. Music theory will come naturally as you learn that it is but one component of the music you will be learning. You will begin to think like a musician in our PIT (put it together) pieces–even at this level–by creating your own pieces based on the material that you have learned so far.
Technical Basics
Sitting position
Nail preparation
Capo on the third fret
Left hand basics
Right hand basics
Left and right hand basics
Flicks – 1
Flicks – 2
Flicks – 3
Solea, Part 1
Solea, mode
Extended Phrygian scale
Phrygian degrees
Solea compas
Basic falsetta
Remate in compas
Falsetta with remate
Passing tones
Falsetta with rasgueado
Solea, Part 2
Thumb scale
Bass falsetta
Bass falsetta 2
p-i falsetta
Solea, remaining degrees
Degree variations
Degree variations 2
Finale falsetta
Solea – PIT (Put it Together)
Level Two begins on a familiar note, with the well-known Spanish folk song called “Malaguena.” More difficult variations of the techniques that you learned in Level One make your music come to life, as we add syncopation, to add interest to the music’s rhythm. You will also learn two powerful techniques: the hammer-on and pull-off as well as learning scales to increase your technical proficiency. Learning the scales will have an added benefit: it will boost your knowledge of music theory without the boredom. You will learn more varied and sophisticated arpeggios, and add hinge bars and grace notes to your musical skills. Level Two ends with the study of the second Flamenco form, the Seguiriyas, which will help you to learn new forms in the future. Level Two will also prepare you for higher levels by teaching you arpeggio-based falsettas, since those falsettas use a common texture and harmonic structure seen in forms that you will be learning in the future, such as Tangos, Tientos, and Bulerias. Level Two ends with the study of the second Flamenco form, the Seguiriyas.
Solea, Part 3
Solea remates
Opening falsetta 1
Opening falsetta 2
Solea falsetta 1
Solea falsetta 2
Solea falsetta 3
Solea, Part 4
Octave phrygian scale
Octave falsetta
Arpeggio divisions
Arpeggio division falsetta 1
Arpeggio division falsetta 2
Arpeggio division falsetta 3
Arpeggio division falsetta 4
Solea, Part 5
Ending segments 1
Ending segments 2
Ending segments 3
Ending segments 4
Rasgueados with thumb strokes
Finale rasgueado 1
Finale rasgueado 2
Finale rasgueado 3
Solea – PIT (Put it Together)
Seguiriyas, Part 1
Seguiriyas, A phrygian mode
Seguiriyas, compas 1
Seguiriyas, compas 2
Seguiriyas, compas 3
Seguiriyas, compas 4
Seguiriyas, compas 5
Basic phrases
Seguiriyas, A phrygian degrees
Remates – view 2
Seguiriyas falsetta
Seguiriyas, Part 2
Falsetta variation 1
Falsetta variation 2
Falsetta variation 3
Falsetta variation 4
Falsetta variation 5
Falsetta variation 6
Seguiriyas falsetta
Seguiriyas falsetta
Seguiriyas falsetta
Seguiriyas – PIT (Put it Together)
In Level Three, you begin with learning how to play variations which are based on inversions and re-voicings of the harmonic structures of remates. The variations are also a fun way to learn about music theory. You will clarify your instrument’s tones by refining techniques that you have already learned. More rhythmic and golpe variations vary the pace in Level Three. Tremolo drills will prepare you to learn the quatromolo, a commonly-used Flamenco technique. We introduce you to bar snaps, and learn more advanced falsettas in the profound Flamenco form, Seguiriyas. You will end Level Three by starting to learn the joyful Alegrias.
Soleares, Part 6
Remate variation 1
Remate variation 2
Remate variation 3
Opening solea falsetta 1
Opening solea falsetta 2
Opening solea falsetta 3
Opening solea falsetta 4
Legato falsetta 1
Legato falsetta 2
Soleares, Part 7
Rhythmic variation 1
Rhythmic variation 2
Rhythmic variation 3
Rhythmic variation 4
Rhythmic variation 5
Tremolo drill
Sequential falsetta 1
Sequential falsetta 2
Sequential falsetta 3
p-i falsetta 1
p-i falsetta 2
Soleares, Part 8
Three beat variations 1
Three beat variations 2
Three beat variations 3
Three beat variations 4
Three beat variations 5
Three beat variations 6
Three beat variations 7
Three beat variations 8
Three beat variations 9
Three beat variations, overview
Soleares, Part 9
Bar snaps
Bar snaps, 3 string drils
Bar falsetta 1
Bar falsetta 2
Bar falsetta 3
Soleares, Part 10
Sequential falsetta 1
Sequential falsetta 2
Sequential falsetta 3
Sequential falsetta 3
Sequential falsetta 4
Sequential falsetta 5
Cuatromolo drill
Sequential falsetta 6
Sequential falsetta 7
Sequential falsetta 8
Sequential falsetta 9
Soleares, Part 11
Scale drill 1
Scale drill 2
Scale drill 3
Scale drill 3 – higher tempo
Scale drill 4
Scale falsetta 1
Scale falsetta 2
Full scale falsetta 1
Full scale falsetta 2
Seguiriyas, Part 3
Seguiriyas remate variation 1
Seguiriyas remate variation 2
Seguiriyas remate variation 3
Seguiriyas remate variation 4
Quintuplet variation
Seguiriyas falsetta 1
Seguiriyas falsetta 2
Ending segment 1
Ending segment 2
Seguiriyas, Part 4
Rest falsetta 1
Rest falsetta 2
Seguiriyas falsetta
Hinge bar falsetta
p-m-i falsetta
Alegrias, Part 1
Alegrias mode
E major degrees
Non-chord tones 1
Non-chord tones 2
Non-chord tones 3
Non-chord tones 4
Non-chord tones 5
Non-chord tones 6
Non-chord tones 7
Alegrias, Part 2
Alegrias, compas 1
Alegrias, compas 2
Alegrias, compas 3
Alegrias falsetta 1
Alegrias falsetta 2
Falsetta ending 1
Falsetta ending 2
Falsetta ending 3
Alegrias, Part 3
Non-chord variations
Inversion sequence 1
Inversion sequence 2
Cuatromolo introduction
p-i-p falsetta 1
p-i-p falsetta 2
Alegrias falsetta
Arpeggio accompaniment falsetta
You begin Level Four by learning a technique called “guide fingers,” which helps you emphasize the melody in a falsetta. Rubato is a widely-used interpretive element in Flamenco music. You will learn this useful technique, which “stretches” a musical selection’s rhythm. Thumb drills prepare you for advanced Flamenco techniques such as the alzapua. Following the thumb drills, we introduce the alzapua itself. We refine and perfect your hinge bar technique, as well as many others. We introduce you to the form called Tientos, which is the foundation upon which more recent styles, such as Tangos, were invented. This level comes to an end by unleashing your creativity as you create your own melodic transitions to connect chords.
Soleares, Part 12
Solea falsetta 1
Solea falsetta 2
Solea falsetta 3
Solea falsetta 4
Solea falsetta 5
Soleares, Part 13
Thumb drills 1
Thumb drills 2
Thumb drills 3
Thumb drills 4
Thumb drills 5
Thumb drills 6
Bar drill
Soleares, Part 14
Alzapua 1
Alzapua 2
Hinge bars 1
Hinge bars 2
Solea falsetta
Alegrias, Part 4
Alegrias rhythmic variation 1
Alegrias rhythmic variation 2
Alegrias rhythmic variation 3
Alegrias rhythmic variation 4
Alegrias rhythmic variation 5
Alegrias rhythmic variation 6
Alegrias rhythmic variation 7
Alegrias rhythmic variation 8
Alegrias rhythmic variation 9
Alegrias rhythmic variation 10
Modulation in Alegrias
Tientos, Part 1
Tiento compas
Degrees in A phrygian 1
Degrees in A phrygian 2
Degrees in A phrygian 3
Degrees in A phrygian 4
Degrees in A phrygian 5
Basic Tientos phrase structure 1
Basic Tientos phrase structure 2
Basic Tientos phrase structure 3
Basic Tientos phrase structure 4
Basic Tientos phrase structure 5
Basic Tientos phrase structure 6
Basic Tientos phrase structure 7
Basic Tientos phrase structure 8
Basic Tientos phrase structure 9
Basic Tientos phrase structure 10
Basic Tientos phrase structure 11
Tientos, Part 2
Tientos falsetta 1
Tientos falsetta 2
Tientos falsetta 3
Tientos falsetta 4
Tientos falsetta 5
Tientos falsetta 6
In Level Five, you will build speed and dexterity as you meet the challenge of intricate fingering passages. Your confidence level will rise as you build your power and interpretive skills. Bass-line melodies are also featured in this level. You will encounter your first non-rhythmic Flamenco form–the Granaina, which differs from most Flamenco forms, which are played in compas. Based on the B Phrygian mode, this form will develop your skills at playing variations. The Granainas will also be your first introduction to melismatic music, which characterizes non-rhythmic Flamenco music. You end Level Five with the challenge of your first Bulerias, one of the most virtuosic forms in Flamenco music. Mastery of this form is a milestone in your development as a Flamenco artist.
Alegrias, Part 5
Alegrias scale 1
Alegrias scale 2
Alegrias scale 3
Tientos, Part 3
Tientos rhythmic variations 1
Tientos rhythmic variations 2
Tientos rhythmic variations 3
Tientos rhythmic variations 4
Tientos rhythmic variations 5
Tientos rhythmic variations 6
Tientos rhythmic variations 7
Tientos rhythmic variations 8
Tientos rhythmic variations 8
Tientos, Part 4
Grace note falsetta
Grace note arpeggio
Thumb falsetta
Granaina, Part 1
Granaina, mode
Granaina, mode – view 2
Degrees of B phrygian 1
Degrees of B phrygian 2
Degrees of B phrygian 3
Degrees of B phrygian 4
Degrees of B phrygian 5
Degrees of B phrygian 6
Degrees of B phrygian 7
B phrygian scale 1
B phrygian scale 2
Granaina, Part 1
Granaina falsetta 1
Transition phrase
Transition phrase – close up overview
Extended transition phrase
Closing phrase 1
E minor arpeggio
Closing phrase 2
Closing phrase 3
Granaina, Part 2
Arpeggio falsetta 1
Arpeggio falsetta 2
Closing phrase connection
Melisma 1
Melisma 2
Legato falsetta
Alzapua falsetta 1
Alzapua falsetta 2
Legato phrase segments
Bulerias, Part 1
Bulerias mode
Bulerias compas 1
Bulerias compas 2
Bulerias compas 3
Alternative fingerings for A major
Rhythmic variations 1
Rhythmic variations 2
Rhythmic variations 3
Rhythmic variations 4
Rhythmic variations 5
Rhythmic variations 6
Non-chord tones on A major
Bulerias, Part 2
Degree variations 1
Degree variations 2
Degree variations 3
Degree variations 4
Degree variations 5
Degree variations 6
Degree variations 7
Degree variations 8
Degree variations 9
Degree variations 10
Degree variations 11
Degree variations 12
Bulerias, Part 3
Bulerias falsetta 1
Bulerias falsetta 2
Chord sequence falsetta 1
Chord sequence falsetta 2
Polyrhythmic falsetta
Bulerias, Part 4
Melodic variation falsetta 1
Melodic variation falsetta 2
Falsetta with pick up bar
Progression falsetta
Rhythmic transition 1
Rhythmic transition 2
Opening falsetta
Transition falsetta
At the beginning of Level Six, you get to show your creative side as we teach you to build your own Granainas falsettas. Level Six will begin to transform you from a skilled technician to a true artist, as you fine-tune the skills that you have already learned. You will learn the Tangos, a Flamenco form which is unrelated to the Argentine tango. At this level, you will be well-prepared for the challenge of the Fandangos, a form that requires the player to have great technical ability. You will end Level Six as you began–with an exercise in creativity, a PIT (Put It Together) piece.
Granaina, Part 3
Granaina falsetta 1
Granaina falsetta 2
Cuatromolo falsetta
Bar falsetta
Bar falsetta – view 2
Melismatic falsetta 1
Ending phrase
Melismatic falsetta 2
Legato falsetta
Tangos, Part 1
Tango compas
Basic form 1
Basic form 2
Basic form 3
Basic form 4
Basic form 5
Basic form 6
Basic form 7
Basic degree prograssion
Grace note falsetta
Tangos, Part 2
Legato bass falsetta
Triplet falsetta 1
Triplet falsetta 2
Tango falsetta
p-i falsetta
Alzapua falsetta
Fandangos, Part 1
Fandango, mode
Extended phrygian scale
Degrees of E-phrygian
Fandango compas
Basic rhythmic variations 1
Basic rhythmic variations 2
Basic rhythmic variations 3
Basic rhythmic variations 4
Basic rhythmic variations 5
Basic rhythmic variations 6
Basic rhythmic variations 7
Basic rhythmic variations 8
Basic rhythmic variations 9
Basic rhythmic variations 10
Fandangos, Part 1
Ending variations 1
Ending variations 2
Ending variations 3
Ending variations 4
Ending variations 5
Ending variations 6
Ending variations 7
Fandangos falsetta
Fandangos falsetta
Bulerias, Part 5
Bulerias rhythmic variations 1
Bulerias rhythmic variations 2
Bulerias rhythmic variations 3
Bulerias rhythmic variations 3 – alternative version
Bulerias rhythmic variations 4
Bulerias rhythmic variations 4 – alternative version
Bulerias rhythmic variations 5
Bulerias rhythmic variations 6
Bulerias rhythmic variations 7
Bulerias rhythmic variations 8
Bulerias rhythmic variations 9
Bulerias rhythmic variations 10
Bulerias, Part 6
Bulerias rhythmic variations 12
Bulerias rhythmic variations 13
Bulerias rhythmic variations 14
Bulerias rhythmic variations 15
Bulerias rhythmic variations 16
Bulerias rhythmic variations 17
Bulerias rhythmic variations 18
Bulerias rhythmic variations 19
Bulerias, Part 7
Bulerias falsetta
Sequential falsetta 1
Sequential falsetta 2
Alzapua falsetta
a-m-i falsetta
Closing sequence 1
Closing sequence 2
Closing sequence 3
Bulerias – PIT (Put it Together)
You will study cases in which some Flamenco musicians alter harmonies in order to transform traditional Flamenco music into a form which has a more modern sound, if desired. Level Seven will end with a Bulerias PIT piece in which you can create variations on this challenging form.
Tangos, Part 3
Tangos rhythmic variations 1
Tangos rhythmic variations 2
Tangos rhythmic variations 3
Tangos rhythmic variations 4
Tangos rhythmic variations 5
Tangos rhythmic variations 6
Tangos rhythmic variations 7
Tangos rhythmic variations 8
Tangos rhythmic variations 9
Tangos, Part 4
Tangos falsetta 1
Tangos falsetta 2
Tangos falsetta 3
Tangos falsetta 4
Fandangos, Part 3
Fandangos rhythmic variations 1
Fandangos rhythmic variations 2
Fandangos rhythmic variations 3
Fandangos rhythmic variations 4
Fandangos rhythmic variations 5
Fandangos rhythmic variations 6
Fandangos rhythmic variations 7
Fandangos, Part 4
Fandangos melodic variations 1
Fandangos melodic variations 2
Fandangos melodic variations 3
Fandangos melodic variations 4
Fandangos melodic variations 5
Fandangos melodic variations 6
Fandangos melodic variations 7
Fandangos, Part 5
Melodic transition set 1
Melodic transition set 2
Melodic transition set 3
Melodic transition set 4
Melodic transition set 5
Fandangos falsetta 1
Fandangos falsetta 2
Bulerias, Part 8
Bulerias falsetta
Triplet falsetta
Answer falsetta
Rhythmic falsetta
Shifting falsetta
Finale sequence 1
Finale sequence 2
Finale sequence 3
Bulerias – PIT (Put it Together)