Free Mini-Lesson: Erik Satie – Gnossienne No. 1


Spare and haunting, unspeakably lovely, this early work from Erik Satie (1866-1925) shows his creative genius, despite the fact that he had failed to complete his course of study not once, but twice, at the Paris Conservatoire. To say that Satie was an innovator is an understatement. His willingness to learn from schools of thought ranging from the Schola Cantorum de Paris to the Dada movement helped stretch his thought process beyond the norm, and as a result, produced pieces that transcended the compositional styles and forms of his day.

Spot Practice Clip:


A good way to practice this passage is to strip away the accompaniment. Locate and practice the melody notes first. Then, study the notes on which the open string chords come together simultaneously.

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