Sistema de grabación en directo LAGA

We are excited to inform you that our new recording system for webcam lessons is nearly finished except for a few tweaks and ready to be launched for all students. 

Why record?

It is common for students to experience problems retaining information or having difficulty remembering technical discussions and/or drills covered during a lesson.

Video recordings of parts of your lessons allow for a systematic recap of topics covered during a session. This not only solves the problem of retention but also maximizes the lesson time by reducing unnecessary repetition and any anxiety caused by these concerns. These clips will be an invaluable practice resource for the student’s digital library that is permanently available rather than a fleeting memory of what’s been covered at the time of the lesson.

What will be recorded?

During a lesson, your instructor may suggest capturing a new drill, demonstration of a technique, or an approach for your reference during practice. Please feel free to remind your teacher and suggest recording specific topics or passages covered in the lesson. 

We are working on an API recording system that will make the workflow easier for everyone. But until that is finalized, these manual recordings will serve as a backup and make sure you are capturing important material and taking advantage of them during practice. 

When/where can I view the videos?

The clips will be sent to the student shortly after the lesson. Please keep in mind that this is still a work in progress, so until we fully finalize the system with each instructor, there may be delays in the first few weeks. 

Certain clips of your instructor demonstrating a drill or a topic relevant to other students may be used on our website, our channel, or as part of the curriculum. In these cases, your first and last name will be removed from the Zoom screen.

Anything else I can do to improve my setup and learning experience?

As long as you’re joining the lesson from a distraction-free environment with a decent webcam through a viable internet connection, you’re good to go!

Make sure both your hands are visible on the screen for your instructor to be able to assess technically. Each of our instructors not only have decades of experience but also are extremely perceptive, so a close-up view of your hands and fingers is not necessary. That’s said, a well-lit environment will always help your instructor see your technique more clearly and be able to assess it better. Last but not least, please tune up your guitar before the session and make sure that you are warmed up. 

Action steps to stay compliant

We require a consent form submitted by all active students as required by the State of California. The lack of a consent form may result in cancellation of your subscription.

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