Free Classical Guitar Lesson 1: Warm-up Routine

Before You Start: An Overview

We start you off on the right foot by teaching you about how to warm up before you play, good posture while playing, and how to position your hands and fingers. Getting these basics right from the start is really important if you want to have great technique and avoid bad habits! You will learn two of the basic strokes that classical guitarists use: the rest stroke and the free stroke. We will make learning to read music fun by walking you through the fingerboard–step by step. By the time you finish our free classical guitar lessons, you will have learned all of the first position notes on the first string, and will have played your first real song!

Let’s start by getting your hands warmed up and ready to play!


Warming up before your practice sessions is one of the most important things you can do to boost your chances of success. It will not only make your practice more productive, but also will help you avoid any instrument-related injuries. In addition to the warm-up moves on the video clip, a good tip to get your hands warmed up and ready to play is to massage your wrist lightly. This will get the blood flowing to your hands, and then you will be ready to play! Be sure to warm up before each lesson and before you practice.

Next, on to learning about posture and positioning your hands!

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